Arctic Sea Smoke Rises From Lake Michigan

Arctic Sea Smoke Rises From Lake Michigan

Arctic Sea Smoke Rises From Lake Michigan As Feels-Like Temperature Drops Well Below Zero

Greg take a look at this we moved from downtown and you see behind me take a look at downtown Chicago resting on Lake Michigan here we’re right at this peninsula the Adler Planetarium and Soldier Field where the Chicago Bears play look take a look at this the sea smoke or in this case Lake smoke and all of this wind uh kicking up it’s like a huge jacuzzi and the factor.

It appears like this today since Lake Michigan temperatures remain in the low 40s Craig, however, the temperature level here is still unfavorable we’re at like unfavorable 5 6 degrees out here today with the wind chill at this moment out here on the lake it has actually got to be um unfavorable 40 when it kicks up and the wind is kicking up once again today uh.

It’s simply an extraordinary joint it’s icing it’s beginning to ice over the lake and I need to be really mindful here as I look uh however you see best out here I’m beginning to see pieces of ice near to the coast this one I’m standing on today is totally complete of ice what is seen here as you understand the gorgeous Skyline in the back and this.

Astounding wind gusts are available making Lake Michigan appear like actually a jacuzzi at this moment downtown in those streets it does not feel as cold as it does right here this is where the aspects truly enter play here on Lake Michigan as we saw last night as the snow started you understand it wasn’t that much snow however this is where you.

Now you get to really see the effect of what is going on here in the Midwest specifically in Chicago as the lake as we are reporting live is becoming what might be a frozen tundra here in the coming days as this temperature level continues specifically near the coastlines you’re visiting the lake freeze and as the wind kicks up today you can.

Hardly see escape there at Navy Pier the Jets out and the structures the high structures however the blue skies above today however this is an amazing scene here therefore so cold I can’t even discuss it however I am required to reveal this to you men this is the power of this system here on Lake Michigan well Robert you’re taking us there today.

Everybody here is simply stating wow take a look at this shot however it’s essential to understand you see all that evaporation coming off the lake headed to your instructions it’s freezing on contact so the pathways where you are I’m sure are slick today yes and I wish to reveal you something here so what I’m standing on you understand here is all ice right here and you see.

Some of the snow and I’m gon na come up here you understand in a Nice month summer season and whatever individuals sit here uh and you understand have lunch or supper uh possibly a date and look at the lake in the gorgeous Skyline uh however yes this is all ice listed below uh down here and it’s simply it’s gon na continue to get even worse and right you most likely can’t see this.

At the edge listed below that ice, you begin to see ice portions forming on Lake Michigan uh as you understand like I stated the water temperature level is in the low 40s and it’s simply a sight you simply recognize the power of this system when you get out of uh the city streets and you come out here and there’s truly absolutely nothing to obstruct this wind and the.

Components uh it is simply nasty out here however so quiet that’s the important thing about Mother Nature often as bad and as violent as it is it develops such stunning scenes however regrettably power blackouts are still throughout the whole location travel is truly too a stop the airports like O’ Hare handling all those.

Cancellations and you can see why picture an aircraft attempting to raise with winds gusting like this here and leave here the advantage is the bright side is blue skies above us as uh actually this impact today as the winds are truly kicking up once again here on Lake Michigan I can feel it I can feel it pressing me and it’s got to be 40.

Plus miles an hour today with these wind gusts right you discussed you remained downtown previously we saw you earlier you got to the opposite there with very few individuals on the roadways was it simple to arrive are individuals really remaining inside there was nobody out I suggest there resemble delivery van out there uh we’re.

Going to dining establishments uh however there was really a couple of individuals out there still snowplows dropping uh rock salt uh however yeah I believe Chicagoans are either inside their houses or uh you understand and the method they do it here striking a club or a Tavern possibly as quickly as they open later on today I’m Amy Freeze welcome to Fox weather condition’s YouTube page we have more.

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